Hi Zimbra Friends, Partners & Customers, Today’s post about how to use the Email Templates Zimlet is from Barry de Graaff, Channel Evangelist for Zimbra Synacor. Wondering what a Zimlet is? It’s a mini-app built into Zimbra that lets you do even more right from email! The Email Templates Zimlet is a huge time saver […]
Archive | PowerTips – Users
For ZCO Users – New Email Rules in 8.8.15 P5 and P6!
Dear Zimbra Friends & Colleagues, Today’s post is brought to you by Carlos Pineda, Senior Sales Engineer at Synacor and Zimbra extraordinaire. Are you or some of your end users using the Outlook client but running Zimbra on your mail servers? Then you probably know about ZCO – the Zimbra Connector for Outlook – that […]
Power Tip Tuesday – Create a Zimbra email distribution list/alias!
Why type out each email address when you can just type one name? Zimbra’s autocomplete feature is great when you are addressing emails or creating appointments – as you type, addresses pop up for you. But … it is also very useful to have your own email list (a.k.a distribution list/DL or alias). In Zimbra, […]
Power Tip Tuesday – Switch btwn Conversation & Message Views
Like all your emails grouped by email thread? Or do you prefer to see each individual email by itself? Zimbra automatically groups all your emails in “conversation” view. Here’s what conversation view is … and how to change your view if you like! A quick summary of conversation view: All email with the same subject […]
Power Tip Tuesday – Create appointments in a FLASH with Mini Cal!
Do you use your Zimbra mini calendar? It can save you a lot of time when you create appointments! You do not need to be in the Zimbra Calendar tab to create a new appointment! There are two ways to use Zimbra mini calendar as a shortcut to create a meeting: From an email: This is […]
Power Tip Tuesday – Zimbra (2FA) Two-Factor Authentication
Has your email ever been hacked? Set up two-factor authentication (2FA) for an extra layer of security for your Zimbra account. With 2FA enabled, to log into your Zimbra account, you need your password and a code generated on your smartphone. Enabling 2FA is easy, but there are a few steps. You will need access […]