WEB2.0, Zimbra and more ….

Wanted to thank all you fine folks who spread the word about Zimbra – it totally pumped the team up – for that we are eternally grateful. A lot of people are asking about whether Zimbra will be hosted and if so, for whom? Zimbra will absolutely be hosted for businesses and, yes, Zimbra will […]

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One more Web 2.0 demo

Satish will be back on the stage tomorrow (well today ;)) for another demo at Web 2.0. So if you missed his first demo be sure to stop by and catch this one. For those of you too far away from San Francisco you can check out the hosted demo for a personal test drive.

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Slashdot and our hosted demo

As some of you have noticed our hosted demo was down over the last 18 hours or so. We had a planned upgrade last night to install ZCS Milestone 1 and add a 2nd server. We took the demo off-line and no more than 10 minutes later a Slashdot story posted. Slashdot | Zimbra Collaboration […]

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Email sucks. Let's make it better.

One question I’m answering a lot these days is “Why Email?” In my prior life (CTO of WebLogic/BEA Systems) I was chained to my email for a minimum of 3-4 hours per day. Even while traveling to Asia or Europe, my admin. had to carve out an additional 2.5 hours of time from every meeting […]

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