Archive | PowerTips – Admins

How to disable Zimbra two factor trusted devices

It is well known that you can enable 2FA in Zimbra Network Edition to enhance account security. All details on Zimbra 2FA can be found at Zimbra also enables by default the Trusted Devices feature. This allows users to enter their 2FA token only once for each device. Consider turning off the Trusted Devices […]

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Spam blocklist SORBS has been shut down, update Anti-Spam settings

The spam blocklist SORBS has been shut down. By default Zimbra uses SORBS via SpamAssasin, but also many Zimbra Administrators have set-up SORBS as part of Postfix MTA restrictions. Monitor the Zimbra MTA logging in /var/log/zimbra.log and make changes to your configuration to make sure email continues to be delivered properly. Postfix reject_rbl_client Check Zimbra’s […]

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Importing Outlook PST into Zimbra (how to import large TGZ files using Zimbra REST API)

In this article you will learn how to import emails and folders from Outlook PST files into Zimbra using the command line. This article is targeted to system administrators who are interested in automation of PST imports. Some knowledge of Bash and PowerShell scripting is recommended as you may want to change the scripts used […]

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Admin Account authentication now honors zimbraAuthFallbackToLocal when using external/custom authentication

Zimbra supports various authentication sources for authenticating users. Examples include external LDAP, Active Directory and custom authentication plugins. Prior to Zimbra 10.0.8 the setting of zimbraAuthFallbackToLocal had no effect on administrative accounts. Meaning you could use the username and password from Zimbra LDAP for signing on to an admin account. Even if the admin account […]

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How to fix Samsung Phones not being able to send mail (ActiveSync)

In this article you will find a short how-to on how to fix the issue that some Samsung phones can receive mail, see calendars, but cannot send mail via Zimbra. Users will see messages go immediately to the outbox with a warning that the message was not sent. ActiveSync protocol version This issue affects only […]

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