As some of you have noticed our hosted demo was down over the last 18 hours or so. We had a planned upgrade last night to install ZCS Milestone 1 and add a 2nd server. We took the demo off-line and no more than 10 minutes later a Slashdot story posted. Slashdot | Zimbra Collaboration […]
Email sucks. Let's make it better.
One question I’m answering a lot these days is “Why Email?” In my prior life (CTO of WebLogic/BEA Systems) I was chained to my email for a minimum of 3-4 hours per day. Even while traveling to Asia or Europe, my admin. had to carve out an additional 2.5 hours of time from every meeting […]
What OS port should Zimbra work on next?
Just a quick poll to gather the community thoughts.
Hosting versus On-premises deployment?
We are frequently asked whether or not you should choose a hosted deployment for Zimbra. Since we have strategic partners offering Zimbra as a hosted service (or at least we will with our generally-available release), we do endeavor to be unbiased in advising you on the hosted versus on-premises decision. Dean Jacobs (one of the […]
Ajax example of the day…
Founder Ross Dargahi wrote up a nice example of how the AjaxTk can be used to mix html and tookit UI components.
More debugging…
For those of you that want to see the SOAP/XML in action… Try the demo or your local install with this debugging tip. It’ll let you see the guts of our AJAX communication.