Archive | Zimbra Web Client

Zimbra SkillZ: Enhance email confidentiality using MTA-STS

Hi Zimbra Customers, Partners & Friends, Do you want to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and enhance your email confidentiality? You can with MTA-STS. MTA-STS is short for Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) Strict Transport Security (STS). MTA-STS enforces encryption and secure communications between SMTP servers via TLS (Transport Layer Security). With MTA-STS fully implemented, it prevents man-in-the-middle […]

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Zimbra SkillZ: Using Sieve Filters on Zimbra

Hi Zimbra Customers, Partners & Friends, Sieve is a powerful scripting language for filtering incoming email messages. This blog is a short how-to for using sieve filters on Zimbra webmail. Zimbra supports incoming email filters set by users, but administrators should set up and install sieve filters. First, allow adding email headers to help debug […]

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Never accidentally send an email without an attachment again with the Attachment Alert Zimlet!

Hi Zimbra Customers, Partners & Friends, How many times have you clicked Send on an email then thought, “Darn! I forgot to add the attachment!”? The Attachment Alert Zimlet warns you if you try to do it again! How? The Zimlet looks at the body of an email when you click Send. If it finds […]

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Zimbra SkillZ: Zimbra Single Sign-On with SAML (updated July 2023)

Hello Zimbra Friends, Customer & Partners, Zimbra can be used with SAML Single Sign-On (SSO). When using SAML, an Identity Provider (IdP) handles user authentication, so users can open their applications without logging on to each one separately. In SAML, these applications are called Service Providers (SP). Zimbra is a SAML SP. You can use […]

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Did You Know? Add Your Personal Meeting Rooms to Zimbra! Webex? Zoom? Slack? Yes!

Hi Zimbra Customers, Partners & Friends, Do you use Slack? Webex? Zoom? Lifesize? Google Hangouts? In Zimbra’s Modern UI, you can add your own personal meeting room(s) to Zimbra for one-click video calls! It’s easy! Click the gear menu > Settings. Click Calendar & Reminders. Scroll down and click Add a Video Call Provider. Choose […]

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