Archive | Open Source

Zimbra SkillZ: Partial Sync for ZCO is Here!

By Popular Demand – ZCO Partial Sync is Here! Happy Days for ZCO Power Users Hello Zimbra Partners, Customers & Friends, Many Zimbra Partners and customers have requested partial sync for ZCO (Zimbra Connector for Outlook) … and it’s here! Are you a ZCO power user? Are your customers or users? Now power users can […]

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Zimbra SkillZ: Zimbra Email Templates Zimlet … It’s Back!

Hi Zimbra Friends, Partners & Customers, Today’s post is from Barry de Graaff, Channel Evangelist for Zimbra Synacor, and it explains the Email Templates Zimlet. If you used the Email Templates Zimlet in previous versions of Zimbra, you will know how helpful it is … a huge time saver if you send regular,  similar looking […]

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New from ETES: Zimbra/LDAP Sync Script

Hello Zimbra Friends, Customers & Partners, We are happy to bring you a guest post from our Silver BSP Partner, ETES GmbH. Headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, ETES is an IT service company focused on Linux and Open Source products like Zimbra. As a BSP Partner, they deliver Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) email & collaboration to their customers […]

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On Work the Way You Want with Synacor’s Zimbra

Hello Zimbra Friends, If you haven’t seen this article yet, check it out! From Christine Preusler at Work the Way You Want with Synacor’s Zimbra: Scalable Open-Core Email Collaboration with Multiple Integration Options Here is the intro … Through Zimbra, Synacor provides hundreds of millions of users worldwide with an open-source alternative to proprietary collaborative software […]

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Zimbra Admin Reminder … Block “memcrashd” Port 11211

Hello Zimbra Friends & Admins, This is a friendly reminder that Zimbra memcached may face the “memcrashd” attack on port 11211. By default, memcached listens on a server IP address that is accessible on the network and via the internet if there is no firewall. If your Zimbra memcache servers are behind a firewall, we […]

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