To continue the Zimbra blog series on Ajax (recent entries include Ajax innovation is about the server, Ajax optimization techniques (presented at OSCON), OpenAjax update, and Ajax’s impact on scaling), we wanted to offer some general thoughts on securing Ajax applications gleaned, of course, from our Zimbra experience. (more…)
Archive | Zimbra Web Client
Zimbra Assistant
One interesting little feature that we have in the 3.2 release is the Zimbra Assistant. This comes up by hitting the “~” tilde key in message or conversation view. This allows you to quickly add a calendar appointment, a contact to your addressbook, send a quick message or interact with a zimlet. The Assistant autocompletes […]
Ajax innovation is also about the server!
I have a pet peeve about suggestions that all these exciting Web 2.0 innovations are solely realized within browser-resident Ajax/JavaScript code. For example, consider occasional inquiries regarding a desire to marry Zimbra’s sexy Ajax enduser and administrative UIs with, say, a more mature back-end messaging server. Obviously, one way to respond to such requests is […]
Right click and REST
Rolands original post about REST and its follow on suggested that we are doing some work to expose the REST URL via the UI. The 3.2 beta release that we posted last week has some of it exposed. For example, one could right click on any folder in the contacts, calendar or documents application (more […]
A few people have asked for my slides from OSCON 2006. You can get them here: Ajax Optimization Techniques (PPT 3meg) Ajax Optimization Techniques (PDF 4.1meg)
Also, wrt Kevin’s post on themes there was a comment suggesting a green #ACE149 skin – we wrote one for fun – we call it “Froggy” and its my favorite. There are 9 others if that doesn’t tickle your fancy… here is froggy…