During our first COMMIT, a Zimbra tech and developer event, we presented the new Universal UI: a re-designed user interface for Zimbra Collaboration that includes modern standards and improves the user experience. Try the new Universal UI – Cloud Based You can try it today without install anything! Click the link below, follow the instructions, […]
Archive | Product News
Zimbra Collaboration 8.7.5 is now Available
We have only one week left to our biggest event around our Community and Developers: COMMIT in NYC. While we expect all of you next week, we are busy with our new two-week cycle for Maintenance Releases. The new Maintenance Release cycle will help us accelerate the resolution of bugs and patches for Customers. Fixed […]
Zimbra Collaboration 8.7.4 is now Available
We have only one week left to celebrate the biggest Zimbra event in Europe, the VIII Zimbra Forum France, and only three weeks left for our COMMIT in NYC. While we expect all of you in both events, we are busy with our new two-week cycle for Maintenance Releases. The new Maintenance Release cycle will […]
Zimbra Collaboration 8.7.3 is now Available
February 2nd we announced Zimbra Collaboration 8.7.2 and our new two-week cycle for Maintenance Releases. The new Maintenance Release cycle will help us accelerate the resolution of bugs and patches for Customers. Fixed issues ZCS 8.7.3 Here is a comprehensive list of all the items addressed in this Release. We fixed three Priority 1 issues […]
Zimbra Collaboration 8.7.2 and 8.6 Patch 8 are Available
In July of last year, we announced Zimbra Collaboration 8.7, which included four of my favorite, admin-related features including Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), a new Zimbra Packaging System, SSL Server Name Identification (SNI) and Zimbra Postscreen. Today, I’m thrilled to announce our first minor release of 2017: Zimbra Collaboration 8.7.2, please go to the Downloads page […]
Zimbra Collaboration 8.7.1 is now available
In July of this year, we announced Zimbra Collaboration 8.7 , which included four of my favorite, Admin-related features including Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), a new Zimbra Packaging System, SSL Server Name Identification (SNI) and Zimbra Postscreen. Today, after only three months, I’m thrilled to announce the new minor release: Zimbra Collaboration 8.7.1 is now available. […]