Importing Outlook PST into Zimbra (how to import large TGZ files using Zimbra REST API)

In this article you will learn how to import emails and folders from Outlook PST files into Zimbra using the command line. This article is targeted to system administrators who are interested in automation of PST imports. Some knowledge of Bash and PowerShell scripting is recommended as you may want to change the scripts used […]

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Introducing Confidential header Zimlet for Modern UI

This Modern UI Zimlet implements the reading and setting of the Sensitivity header RFC2156, it is implemented the same way as in MS Outlook, mainly to keep it consistent. For the Classic UI version take a look at Configuring Zimbra To allow the setting of the Sensitivity header one must enable it on the […]

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Admin Account authentication now honors zimbraAuthFallbackToLocal when using external/custom authentication

Zimbra supports various authentication sources for authenticating users. Examples include external LDAP, Active Directory and custom authentication plugins. Prior to Zimbra 10.0.8 the setting of zimbraAuthFallbackToLocal had no effect on administrative accounts. Meaning you could use the username and password from Zimbra LDAP for signing on to an admin account. Even if the admin account […]

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Patch Release: Compression support on S3 external volumes, Enabled Concurrent Socket Connection for OpenJDK & Other Enhancements

Patch Security Severity: Medium Deployment Risk: Medium This release focuses on essential security and improving user experience for the following editions Zimbra Daffodil 10.0.8 (Release Notes) Zimbra 9.0.0 Kepler Patch-40 (Release Notes) Patch updated on Apr 22 include the following in their respective releases What’s New Performance Enabled concurrent socket connection for OpenJDK External Storage […]

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