Did You Know? Searching in Zimbra Part 1: Keywords

Did You Know? Searching in Zimbra Part 1: Keywords

Did you know that all standard search keywords can be used in the Zimbra search field to perform a quick search?

A list of keywords is provided below, along with a helpful description.

To use a keyword, simply type it into the search field, followed by a colon and your search criteria.


  • from: dbrown@zimbra.com
  • subject: staff meeting
  • in: Sent

Next week’s post will describe how to perform a search in Zimbra using menus instead of keywords.

Key Word



Specifies text that the message must contain. For example, content:bananas finds all items containing the word “bananas”.


Specifies a sender name or email address that is in the From header. This can be text, as in “John Smith III”, an email address such as ” joe@acme.com”, or a domain such as ” zimbra.com”.


Same as from: except that it specifies one of the people to whom the email was addressed in the To: header.


Same as from: except that it specifies a recipient in the Cc: header of the message.


Specifies text that must appear in the subject header of the message. An example might be subject:new vacation policy.


Specifies a folder. For example, in:sent shows all items in your Sent folder.


Specifies an attribute that the message must have. The types of object you can specify are “attachment”, “phone”, or ” url”. For example, has:attachment  finds all messages which contain one or more attachments of any type.


Specifies an attachment file name. For example, filename: query.txt finds messages with a file attachment named “query.txt”.


Specifies a search within attachments of a specified type. The types of attachment you can specify are “text”, “word”, “excel”, and ” pdf”. For example, type:wordhello finds messages with attachments that are Microsoft Word documents and searches within those attachments for the word “hello”.


Specifies any item with a certain type of attachment. For example, attachment:word finds all messages with a Word file attachment.

Note:   If you did not find an attachment that was written in a non-western language, see Search Issues with Non-Western Language Attachments.


Searches for messages with a certain status. Allowable values are “unread”, “read”, “flagged”, and ” unflagged”.

For example – is: unread finds all unread messages.


Use this keyword to specify a date. You can use an absolute date (mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/dd/mm) or a relative date (+/- nnnn [hour, day, week, month, year]).

The greater than symbol (date:>DATE) is the same as after:DATE. The less than symbol (date:>DATE) is the same as the before:Date.


Specifies mail sent after a certain date. For example, after:2/1/2010 specifies mail sent after February 1, 2010.


Same as after: except specifies mail sent before the specified date.


Specifies messages whose total size, including attachments, is a specified number of bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes.  For example, size:12 kb finds messages that are exactly 12K in size. The greater than (>) or less than (<) symbols can be used instead of bigger or smaller.


Similar to size: except specifies greater than the specified size.


Similar to size: except specifies smaller than the specified size.


Finds messages which have been tagged with a specified tag. For example, tag:amber finds message that have a tag called “amber” applied.


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