It’s been a highly guarded secret here @ Zimbra Headquarters. We locked Roland in a room with his iPhone and he came out with iZimbra. Roland is a Zimbra co-founder, and the same developer whose team brought us our AJAX calendar, Standard Client, and the ZMail skin. (more…)
Archive | Zimbra Web Client
iPhone and Zimbra
It’s been a question that’s been asked in our forums since the time the iPhone was first announced: “Will Zimbra support the iPhone?” and “Does Zimbra support the iPhone?” (more…)
We Call It ZMail
Face it: We all have at least 3 different e-mail accounts. For me, I’ve got Hotmail(live), GMail(beta), Yahoo(beta), work, and my personal account. Each of those services have their own distinct look. So, we decided to have fun with one of them. (more…)
Twittering like mad in Zimbra with the Vtwitter Zimlet
What do John Edwards, Barack Obama, Robert Scoble (, Larry Hryb (XBox), and Steven Wright have in common? They’re all "Twitters". (more…)
New status and user action feedback
Current versions of Zimbra show informational messages, status, and feedback in a small status window in the lower left. Several of us and some users have mentioned it’s too subtle and never catches your eye. For 5.0 we’ll be moving the status to a quick overlay status message. (more…)
Calendar searching, tagging, and flagging
One of many new features that will be coming in ZCS 5.0 off the top list of RFEs is the ability to search calendar. You can also tag calendar events and flag appointments. We took a short screencast of searching the calendar, flagging appointments and tagging. (more…)