mxHero is a great way to customize Zimbra with unique features and added functionality for enterprise class email

mxHero is a great way to customize Zimbra with unique features and added functionality for enterprise class email
Gartner Email Security 2011 Magic Quadrant We’re pleased today Proofpoint, an industry leader in security and compliance solutions for enterprise messaging, announced they’ve integrated their Enterprise Protection™ and Enterprise Privacy™ solutions with VMware Zimbra Collaboration Server v7 . This integration offers Zimbra customers access to advanced anti-spam, regulatory compliance, email encryption and data loss prevention capabilities. Proofpoint […]
Exciting news! We’ve just release VMware Zimbra Collaboration Server 7.1 and I thought I’d take a few minutes to explain the details behind the release. Some may have been expecting a typical maintenance release (i.e. 7.0.2), and 7.1 is primarily comprised of the bug fixes and enhancements you would expect in any maintenance release from […]
Today’s messaging and collaboration systems must be highly reliable: end users need access to email and calendaring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Designing a reliable messaging and collaboration environment entails choosing the proper storage, server and operating system. Many of us employ storage area networks (SANs) to provide that storage reliability, but […]
Tomorrow the VMware and Zimbra team will be hosting a live webinar covering some key differences between Zimbra and Google Apps. It will be quite informative and an opportunity to ask questions of the Zimbra team; here is the webinar information from the Zimbra Webinar Series: Zimbra Collaboration Suite vs. Google Apps There are significant […]
As part of our continuing effort to simplify IT for administrators and end users, we have integrated VMware’s vFabric Hyperic application performance monitoring technology with Zimbra Appliance. Now offered as part of Zimbra Appliance and requiring no additional set up, Hyperic gives Zimbra administrators the ability to more rapidly pinpoint, correct, and prevent application performance […]
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