We have released the Upgrade & Migration Guides for upgrading Zimbra 8.8.15 and 9 to Zimbra version 10. For Non-NG setup you can use the following guides: In-Place Upgrade Guide (Single and Multi-Node setup)Rolling-Upgrade Guide (Multi-Node setup)For NG setup 9.0.0, 8.8.15 for both Network Edition and FOSS you can use the following guides: In-Place Upgrade […]
Archive | Product News
Spam blocklist SORBS has been shut down, update Anti-Spam settings
The spam blocklist SORBS has been shut down. By default Zimbra uses SORBS via SpamAssasin, but also many Zimbra Administrators have set-up SORBS as part of Postfix MTA restrictions. Monitor the Zimbra MTA logging in /var/log/zimbra.log and make changes to your configuration to make sure email continues to be delivered properly. Postfix reject_rbl_client Check Zimbra’s […]
Zimbra Daffodil (10.1) Coming Soon
A major update to Zimbra Daffodil with some important improvements is coming soon and the latest release unlocks the following new features New Features in Zimbra Daffodil (10.1) License Management Revamped Zimbra Licensing Other updates (MFA/2FA) Multi factor authentication: Email as an additional factor in multi factor authentication Zimbra Desktop upgrade via Electron framework An […]
Introducing Confidential header Zimlet for Modern UI
This Modern UI Zimlet implements the reading and setting of the Sensitivity header RFC2156, it is implemented the same way as in MS Outlook, mainly to keep it consistent. For the Classic UI version take a look at https://github.com/Zimbra/confidential-header-zimlet. Configuring Zimbra To allow the setting of the Sensitivity header one must enable it on the […]
Setting email headers from Zimlets using the ONSEND event and Redux
Are you looking to add extra headers to emails in Zimbra? This can now be done in Modern UI using Zimlets. In this article we will introduce you to the newly added SendCustomHeaderMessage component and guide you through the use of Redux by means of an example Zimlet. What are Zimlets? Zimlets are add-ons that […]
Admin Account authentication now honors zimbraAuthFallbackToLocal when using external/custom authentication
Zimbra supports various authentication sources for authenticating users. Examples include external LDAP, Active Directory and custom authentication plugins. Prior to Zimbra 10.0.8 the setting of zimbraAuthFallbackToLocal had no effect on administrative accounts. Meaning you could use the username and password from Zimbra LDAP for signing on to an admin account. Even if the admin account […]