As some of you have noticed our hosted demo was down over the last 18 hours or so. We had a planned upgrade last night to install ZCS Milestone 1 and add a 2nd server. We took the demo off-line and no more than 10 minutes later a Slashdot story posted. Slashdot | Zimbra Collaboration […]
Email sucks. Let's make it better.
One question I’m answering a lot these days is “Why Email?” In my prior life (CTO of WebLogic/BEA Systems) I was chained to my email for a minimum of 3-4 hours per day. Even while traveling to Asia or Europe, my admin. had to carve out an additional 2.5 hours of time from every meeting […]
What OS port should Zimbra work on next?
Just a quick poll to gather the community thoughts.
Hosting versus On-premises deployment?
We are frequently asked whether or not you should choose a hosted deployment for Zimbra. Since we have strategic partners offering Zimbra as a hosted service (or at least we will with our generally-available release), we do endeavor to be unbiased in advising you on the hosted versus on-premises decision. Dean Jacobs (one of the […]
More debugging…
For those of you that want to see the SOAP/XML in action… Try the demo or your local install with this debugging tip. It’ll let you see the guts of our AJAX communication.
So what's a Zimbra?
We have been quite happy with the response thus far to the name Zimbra. Hopefully, Zimbra is growing on you the same way it’s been growing on us. The name Zimbra comes to us from Talking Heads’ (our choice for best band of the 80s) tune “I Zimbra“, which can be found on Fear of […]