Synacor Mail – Operation Zimbra for Service Providers, Part I

Hello everyone, who is the loyal Zimbra customers, partners, and especially Service Providers running Zimbra.

Here we will hold a series of Webinar featuring Synacor Zimbra mail operation manager Matthew Berg sharing his experience with the large-scale mail operation. Matthew Berg is the Lead Email Engineer at Synacor since he joined the firm back in 2000. He has been involved from the beginning of Synacor’s adoption of Zimbra and here he is sharing his over 10 years of experience developing, managing and operating mail service based on Zimbra.

If you are the Service Provider or large scale Zimbra operator, you should find these session series valuable, but these sessions should be applicable to any Zimbra operator who is serious about running and operating Zimbra regardless of the nature and size.

These sessions are held to demonstrate the synergy effect between Synacor and Zimbra and we are welcome to hear your feedback to make Zimbra better suited as the enterprise and consumer communication infrastructure.

Webinar 1 – Synacor Mail operation overview

This is the first Webinar focusing on Synacor mail operation. In this Webinar, Matt will focus on the overview of the Synacor mail history and deployment. You will hear that Synacor has been running Zimbra for the sake of Service Provider since as old as v4 and currently operating around 20 Service Provider Zimbra installations in multiple data centers stemming North America and Europe.



Synacorメールサービス - サービスプロバイダ向けにZimbraを運用する

Zimbra をお使いのサービスプロバイダのお客様、パートナーの皆様へ

これから4回シリーズで、Synacor での大規模Zimbraメール運用について解説します。スピーカーは、Zimbraをベースにしたメールサービスを10年以上の開発・管理・運用経験を持つリードエンジニアのマシュー・バーグ氏が勤めます。このウェビナーのシリーズでは、サービスプロバイダ、あるいは大規模でZimbraを運用されているお客様にとって役に立つ情報はもちろん、様々なシステムサイズや用途で Zimbra をお使いのお客様にもお使い頂けるテクニックをお伝えします。このシリーズを通してSynacorサービスと Zimbra製品のシナジー効果を実感してください。ご視聴後、エンタープライズ向けとコンシューマーコミュニケーション基盤としてのZimbraをより便利にお使い頂くためのフィードバックも頂ければ幸いです。


Webinar 1 – Synacor メール運用概要

第1回目は、Synacorメール運用についてお話します。Synacorメールの変遷及び概要では、Synacor は Zimbra Ver. 4 からサービスプロバイダ向けにサービスを開始し、現在20社あまりのサービスプロバイダのために、北米及びヨーロッパの複数のデータセンタ上で、冗長構成された Zimbra をインストールして運用していることを述べます。

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5 Responses to Synacor Mail – Operation Zimbra for Service Providers, Part I

  1. John April 4, 2016 at 5:26 PM #

    Fascinating webinar. Thanks for sharing.

    The Synacor side of the house has been so quiet it has been difficult to understand what they are, or will be, doing for Zimbra Collaboration as a platform. Their experience as a proven service provider is very valuable for all levels, BSP to end users alike.

    Very curious as to when Synacor will release their tools to the BSP partners for migrations discussed on slide 11.

    Looking forward to the sharing of the API integrations and tools mentioned on slide 7.

    Again, big thank you to Matthew and Synacor for this webinar series.

    – John


  1. Synacor Mail – Operation Zimbra for Service Providers, Part III - ReadySpace Korea - June 15, 2016

    […] Synacor Mail – Operation Zimbra for Service Providers, Part I および 二回目 Synacor Mail – Operation Zimbra for Service […]

  2. Synacor Mail – Operation Zimbra for Service Providers, Part III - ReadySpace Vietnam - June 15, 2016

    […] Synacor Mail – Operation Zimbra for Service Providers, Part I および 二回目 Synacor Mail – Operation Zimbra for Service […]

  3. Synacor Mail – Operation Zimbra for Service Providers, Part III - ReadySpace Thailand - June 15, 2016

    […] Synacor Mail – Operation Zimbra for Service Providers, Part I および 二回目 Synacor Mail – Operation Zimbra for Service […]

  4. Synacor Mail – Operation Zimbra for Service Providers, Part IV - ReadySpace India - June 29, 2016

    […] Synacor Zimbra mail operation for CSPs. For those who missed the earlier webinar, please refer to Part I, Part II and Part […]

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