Tag Archives | did you know

Where to find the latest Zimbra (upgrade) documentation?

The latest documentation for Zimbra Network Edition can be found on our documentation Github page, here are some direct links: Upgrade Instructions (EN) System Requirements (EN) Single-Server Installation Guide (EN) Multi-Server Installation Guide (EN) Guide to Rolling Upgrade (EN) Administrator’s Guide (EN) Configuration Guide (EN) Multi-Server NG Modules Migration Guide (EN) User’s Guide for Modern […]

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How to change the background image of Zimbra’s Login page

In this article you will learn how to change the background image of Zimbra’s Login page, this way you can for example match your company colors. To change the background image following these steps: Begin by copying your desired image (image.png) to the designated directory path within the Zimbra installation. sudo cp your-image.png /opt/zimbra/jetty_base/webapps/zimbra/img/ To ensure […]

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Did you know? How to customize Zimbra favicon?

In this article you will learn how to customize the Zimbra favicon, for example with your company logo making it more recognizable for your users. Here is a screenshot of the default Zimbra favicon: To customize the favicon, replace the existing favicon.ico with custom one in the folder: /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/zimbra/img/logo Then for Modern UI replace the […]

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Zimbra’s Per Domain Disclaimer/Signature Feature

With Zimbra’s per domain disclaimer/signature feature, you can set a mandatory signature or disclaimer to all outgoing email. How to Enable the Per Domain Disclaimer/Signature Feature Enabling the per domain disclaimer/signature feature is easy. Follow these simple steps: Enable the disclaimer feature on the global configuration by running the following command: zmprov mcf zimbraDomainMandatoryMailSignatureEnabled TRUE […]

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