Hello Zimbra Customers, Partners & Friends, Sometimes it’s necessary to delegate administrative tasks in Zimbra. For example, letting your help desk staff do daily tasks like reset passwords, change account names, unlock accounts and create accounts can really improve your first line support. Zimbra lets you grant permissions that can be set on an account […]
Archive | Product News
What Makes Email Even Better? Zimlets!
Hi Zimbra Customers, Partners & Friends, Have you ever heard of a Zimlet? A Zimlet is a magical piece of code in Zimbra that makes Zimbra email, chat, video, calendar, etc. easier to use. Zimlets can also be used to integrate Zimbra with other third-party apps used by your organization like SalesForce. And of course […]
Zimbra Patches: 9.0.0 Patch 21 + 8.8.15 Patch 28
Hello Zimbra Friends, Customers & Partners, Zimbra 9.0.0 “Kepler” Patch 21 and 8.8.15 “James Prescott Joule” Patch 28 are here. Security Recommendation Zimbra strongly recommends that you review whether the Proxy Servlet is configured to allow a particular host (via the zimbraProxyAllowedDomains configuration setting on each class of service). Please make sure: Each entry in […]
Zimbra SkillZ: Empty Subject Zimlet
Hi Zimbra Customers, Partners & Friends, Today’s Zimbra Skillz blog explains how to write a Zimlet that listens for an event using zimletEventEmitter. This particular Zimlet listens for the ONSEND event and warns the user if the Subject field is empty. Downloading and Running the Empty Subject Zimlet Create a folder on your local computer […]
Zimbra Did You Know: Use Zimbra Briefcase on Mobile with OnlyOffice
Hi Zimbra Customer, Partners & Friends, Did you know that you can use the free OnlyOffice app available for Android and IOS to view and edit documents in the Zimbra briefcase? The OnlyOffice Documents App brings a full-blown Office suite to your mobile! The OnlyOffice App opens and stores documents on Zimbra Briefcase via WebDAV […]
Zimbra SkillZ: Using Zimbra with Strong TLS Configuration – Get an A+, No Weak Cyphers (updated August 2023)
Transport Layer Security (TLS) encrypts data sent over the Internet to ensure that eavesdroppers and hackers are unable to see what you transmit which is particularly useful for private and sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, and personal correspondence. (further reading: https://www.internetsociety.org/deploy360/tls/basics) In this article you will learn how to configure Zimbra to […]