Sorry to have been dark for the last couple of months. Things have been very busy indeed for the Zimbra team, but it is gratifying to have some of our longer-term engineering efforts baring fruit: in addition to the release of 4.5 (more info here) and opening up our product management portal for your input, […]
Open Source Product Management: How do features get into Zimbra?
One of the great advantages of being an Open Source company is having a community and customer base that can help guide and shape the evolution of the product. Our community and customers use Zimbra in a wide variety of deployment scenarios from the single individual, to small and medium business, to hosted services and […]
4.5, admins, and backup/restore
ZCS 4.5 helps make admins’ jobs easier — a lot easier in some cases. This post discusses advanced search in the admin console, backup and restore in the admin console, backup performance improvements, and good policies for creating a recoverable system. Advanced Search for Users, Domains, Servers We’ve added an advanced search capability to the […]
Declared Javascript Functions – Odd Parsing Behavior in IE
A function declared in a conditional block that evaluates to false gets defined in IE, but not in Firefox. That is a problem if you are trying to use an ‘ifdef’ or ‘require_once’ mechanism for defining functions. However, if the function is defined via assignment, the reference is not created, which is what you’d expect. […]
Keyboard Shortcuts
ZCS 4.5 contains several significant enhancements to keyboard navigation: First, shortcuts are now defined in properties files. Second, you can create numeric aliases for folders, tags, and saved searches, which you can then use in shortcuts. Third, there is now a page within Preferences that describes all available shortcuts. [This post is a higher-level followup […]
What's new in ZCS 4.5 Beta 1
We posted the first beta of Zimbra 4.5 this past Friday. Major new features of 4.5 include complex password enforcement, identities, personal distro lists’s, server performance improvements, backup/restore in the admin console, a search builder in the admin console, user-set default fonts for HTML compose, an upgrade to use MySQL 5.0, and a Lotus Domino […]