Look Ma, No Mouse: Keyboard Navigation and Shortcuts in the Zimbra Collaboration Suite and The Kabuki Ajax Toolkit

Keyboard shortcuts and navigation are indispensable time savers for an application’s frequent and power users. Who among us has not quickly learned the keyboard shortcuts for performing common tasks within an application that we use regularly? Unfortunately, one of the more common complaints against web-based applications is that they are, in many instances, lacking when […]

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Securing Ajax

To continue the Zimbra blog series on Ajax (recent entries include Ajax innovation is about the server, Ajax optimization techniques (presented at OSCON), OpenAjax update, and Ajax’s impact on scaling), we wanted to offer some general thoughts on securing Ajax applications gleaned, of course, from our Zimbra experience. (more…)

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Some thoughts on Mobility and Web 2.0

I had the pleasure of joining Motorola, SugarCRM, and Funambol on a panel at LinuxWorld regarding the future of mobility. The depressing bit was that we panelists admitted that we could have made almost identical points three years ago: (1) the Web (1.0 more than 2.0) is coming soon to mobile devices, but the experience […]

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Open source and IP ownership

I got myself in a small bit of trouble recently talking about open source IP ownership when I should have been talking about the cool new collaboration and mobile features in the 4.0 release of the Zimbra Collaboration Suite. (Nothing like a developer coming by your cube and saying “You said what?”) While I didn’t […]

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Zimbra Assistant

One interesting little feature that we have in the 3.2 release is the Zimbra Assistant. This comes up by hitting the “~” tilde key in message or conversation view. This allows you to quickly add a calendar appointment, a contact to your addressbook, send a quick message or interact with a zimlet. The Assistant autocompletes […]

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Ajax innovation is also about the server!

I have a pet peeve about suggestions that all these exciting Web 2.0 innovations are solely realized within browser-resident Ajax/JavaScript code. For example, consider occasional inquiries regarding a desire to marry Zimbra’s sexy Ajax enduser and administrative UIs with, say, a more mature back-end messaging server. Obviously, one way to respond to such requests is […]

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