With its 1.0 GA announcement this week, Zimbra Desktop is officially launched as an open source, full featured desktop mail client. I’d like to use this occasion to reflect back at an interesting approach that the Zimbra engineering team took in developing this product. Zimbra Desktop behaves like a classic desktop application. It installs and […]
Announcing Zimbra Desktop 1.0 – the Next-Generation Email Client
With more than 2.4 million downloads, 7,500 forum posts and two years in the making it’s been a long road to this point… we are now happy to announce the general availability of Zimbra Desktop. The free Windows, Mac, and Linux download is available now. Century 21 agents spend many hours a day away from […]
Zimbra Integration with BlackBerry Enterprise Server Now Generally Available
The Zimbra Connector for BlackBerry Enterprise Server (ZCB) beta period is now closed; starting today ZCB is generally available (GA)! Zimbra Network Edition (and trial) customers who have Zimbra Mobile may use ZCB free of charge, and it is fully supported by the Zimbra team. This version of ZCB focuses on features and functionality requested […]
Zimbra Collaboration Suite 6.0 Beta (Codename: Guns N’ Roses)
Few things get our community excited like a major release version of the Zimbra Collaboration Suite. Today marks availability of the first GnR preview: ZCS 6.0 Beta 1 Open Source Edition. Admins and developers can find it over on the downloads page, for the less technically inclined we’ll also have a new hosted demo up […]
Introducing ZCS for Windows Server
Update: Please note the original date- April Fools Day – –we’re just kidding– enjoy! We do not have a Windows Version of Zimbra server. If you want to run Zimbra Collaboration Suite server on Windows, we recommend using Zimbra Collaboration Suite Appliance! Here is a link to the Zimbra Appliance news release: Zimbra Appliance: […]
Zimbra Turns 40… (Million, That Is)
At Zimbra we have been very focused on measuring everything about our products’ adoption, usage and website in order to make improvements for our community and customers. We freely admit to having a burgeoning stats addiction, and though not everyone whoops it up when we barrel through the cubes shouting about the latest Yahoo! Zimbra […]