Tomorrow the VMware and Zimbra team will be hosting a live webinar covering some key differences between Zimbra and Google Apps. It will be quite informative and an opportunity to ask questions of the Zimbra team; here is the webinar information from the Zimbra Webinar Series: Zimbra Collaboration Suite vs. Google Apps There are significant […]
Archive | Community
New SugarCRM Extension in Zimbra Gallery
Zimbra partner Irontec of Spain recently posted a new Zimlet integration for SugarCRM in the Zimbra Gallery called “zSugar“. This is allows end users to attach email correspondences to an Account, Contact, Opportunity or Project. Feel free to try it out and provide your feedback, the Irontec team has deployed this with several customers already […]
Announcing the General Availability of Zimbra Desktop 2.0
We are pleased to announce the general availability of Zimbra Desktop 2.0! This is a major milestone for the Zimbra team and includes significant feature and performance upgrades. The difference between Desktop 1.0 and 2.0 is enormous thanks to the millions of downloads, thousands of forum posts, and hundreds of bugs posted by Zimbra customers […]
You’re Invited: Zimbra Customer Advisory Meeting and Customer Appreciation Dinner at 2010 EDUCAUSE
We are headed to Anaheim for this year’s EDUCAUSE Conference next week and we are really looking forward to seeing everyone! Since last year, we have started a new chapter as part of VMware and we have been working to integrate our products and channels to continue to bring you innovative, open source email and […]
Visit Zimbra at this year’s Open World Forum in Paris
We’re excited to be part of our first Open World Forum (September 30th and October 1st, Eurosites Georges V, Paris), where we’ll take center stage to showcase Zimbra products. The Open World Forum is the world’s leading summit meeting bringing together decision-makers and communities to cross-fertilize open technological, economic and social initiatives to build the […]
Join The Zimbra Advisory Meeting at VMworld
VMworld is just around the corner, and not only is it VMware’s most important event of the year, it’s also shaping up to be big for Zimbra too. We will be exhibiting with our new organization for the first time, showing off the new Zimbra Appliance and talking a lot more about the future of […]