The future of collaboration, starts today I have been waiting for today, the release of Zimbra Collaboration 8.5. It is the first major Zimbra Collaboration release since we acquired Zimbra from VMware last year. Zimbra Collaboration 8.5 lays a foundation for the next evolution of mobile-first, cloud-enabled collaboration and completes many of the Zimbra roadmap […]
Author Archive | Rob Howard

“Z’s Baaaaaaaack!!” Zimbra Desktop 7.2.5
First of all, a little history … When Zimbra Collaboration Server 7.2.7 was released back in early 2012, VMware announced that Zimbra Desktop would EOL in a future release of Zimbra. In July of 2013, Telligent acquired Zimbra from VMware. One of the first things we did was start talking to our customers and we […]

Zimbra Lends a Helping Hand at DFW Susan G. Komen 3-Day
I lost my mother to breast cancer in 1996. Back then, breast cancer was still a disease that wasn’t very well understood. Today, many organizations have made it their mission to provide resources and support people impacted by breast cancer year-round. While Breast Cancer Awareness Month ended last month, that doesn’t mean our support for the […]