Author Archive | Barry de Graaff

Zimbra SkillZ: Download email as EML file Zimlet

Hello Zimbra Customers, Partners & Friends, This new Zimlet adds a menu item in the More menu to export/download an email to an EML file. Storing email as a file can be useful for archiving and portability. EML files can be read by other mail clients such as Thunderbird. Screenshots   Further reading […]

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Zimbra SkillZ: Customize Navigation in the Zimbra Modern UI with this Zimlet

Hi Zimbra Customers, Partners & Friends, This Zimlet lets administrators change the behavior of navigation buttons in Zimbra’s Modern UI. For example, you can set the cloud navigation button to bypass the screen below and go directly to Briefcase. See additional videos in the documentation folder and animated gif images below. Before installing the Zimlet, […]

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Zimbra SkillZ: Enable DANE Verification for Incoming Email in Zimbra

Hello Zimbra Customers, Partners & Friends, In this post, you’ll learn how to enable DANE for incoming email in Zimbra. DANE is a security protocol that adds additional verification of a TLS certificate. We covered setting up DANE for outgoing email in this post. Here’s some background … Email is sent over the internet with […]

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