Upgrade & Migration Guides for upgrading to Zimbra 10

We have released the Upgrade & Migration Guides for upgrading Zimbra 8.8.15 and 9 to Zimbra version 10.

For Non-NG setup you can use the following guides:
In-Place Upgrade Guide (Single and Multi-Node setup)Rolling-Upgrade Guide (Multi-Node setup)For NG setup 9.0.0, 8.8.15 for both Network Edition and FOSS you can use the following guides:

In-Place Upgrade Multi-Node

In-Place Upgrade Single-Node

Rolling Upgrade Multi-Node

Rolling Upgrade Single-Node



4 Responses to Upgrade & Migration Guides for upgrading to Zimbra 10

  1. BradC June 19, 2024 at 6:47 AM #

    Given the blog post on the 5th of June said : “Customers on 8.8.15/9 are encouraged to wait for the 10.1 release to upgrade”, would we be better waiting until the 10.1 docs are posted before looking at migration strategies?

    Does 10.1 have any differences that might change the game vs 10.0?

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      Barry de Graaff June 19, 2024 at 10:59 PM #

      In 10.1 there is a license service that needs to be installed, other than that it is pretty much the same.

  2. marco June 25, 2024 at 9:44 AM #

    will OSS build stlll be possible?


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      Barry de Graaff June 26, 2024 at 2:28 AM #


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