Synacor Mail – Operation Zimbra for Service Providers, Part IV

This is the 4th webinar of the Synacor Zimbra mail operation for CSPs. For those who missed the earlier webinar, please refer to Part I, Part II and Part III

Webinar 4 – Future Directions

This is the 4th webinar of the Synacor Zimbra mail operation for CSPs.

We will focus on where the product should be heading from the perspective to serve large-scale service provider customers. Synacor is planning to enhance the product in the area of Manageability, Metrics, and Logging to serve for operational easiness.




Synacorメールサービス - サービスプロバイダ向けにZimbraを運用する

Synacor社によるZimbra運用に関するWebinarの第四弾をお届けします。見逃した方は一回目 Part I,、二回目 Part II三回目  Part III をご覧ください

Webinar 4 – 将来の改善の方向性



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