Archive | Zimlets

Zimlets Go Back to School – Part 4: Q&A with Simon Fraser University

In final installment of this series we recently had a chance to sit down with Frances Atkinson, the Director of Institutional & Academic Technologies, IT Services at Simon Fraser University, one of the over 500 educational organizations that have deployed the Zimbra Collaboration Suite Network Edition worldwide. Not too long ago, SFU decided to upgrade […]

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Appointment Summary Zimlet – Know what your Calendar looks like for the day

Every day, when you first login, this Zimlet scans your calendar and sends out a summary email about the current day’s events. This Zimlet helps both frequent and lite calendaring users in different ways: 1. For power-users, this is like having a personal assistant; who summarizes appointments for the day, providing a concrete idea as […]

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Easily schedule, start or join WebEx meetings with the WebEx Zimlet!

Have you ever found yourself scrambling to find a WebEx meeting invite minutes before the meeting is set to begin? Or if you are scheduling a meeting, you are constantly switching between WebEx and your calendar to create the meeting & calendar invite? Well, those days are gone with the new WebEx Zimlet. The WebEx […]

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Zimbra Roadmap and VMware Integration Webinar Plus Q&A

As you may have noticed, we have just posted the recording of the Zimbra Collaboration Suite 6-to-7 and VMware Overview webinar. This was hugely popular — hundreds of customers, partners and community members attended — because it covered three critical areas of Zimbra’s future: What’s in ZCS 6.0 (powerful new admin features, Enterprise support and […]

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