Tag Archives | spam

Spam blocklist SORBS has been shut down, update Anti-Spam settings

The spam blocklist SORBS has been shut down. By default Zimbra uses SORBS via SpamAssasin, but also many Zimbra Administrators have set-up SORBS as part of Postfix MTA restrictions. Monitor the Zimbra MTA logging in /var/log/zimbra.log and make changes to your configuration to make sure email continues to be delivered properly. Postfix reject_rbl_client Check Zimbra’s […]

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Are you using zen.spamhaus.org or dbl.spamhaus.org for fighting spam? Pay attention!

Spamhaus is making some changes in their policy enforcement, from their website: Are you currently using the Spamhaus Project’s DNS Blocklists (DNSBLs)? Do you access them via the Public Mirrors, for example, query “sbl.spamhaus.org” or “zen.spamhaus.org”? Do you use Cloudflare’s DNS? If you’ve answered “yes” to all three of those questions, you need to make […]

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