Did you know that you can create dynamic distribution lists in Zimbra? The benefit of dynamic distribution lists is that they are based on LDAP queries. So whenever users are added/removed/changed on your Zimbra server, the distribution list is automatically kept up-to-date based on the contents of LDAP and your query. The creation of dynamic […]
Archive | PowerTips – Admins
Manage Global S3 Configurations using zms3config CLI
In a previous blog we introduced Zimbra’s new Storage Management, in this article we introduce you to zms3config a command line application that allows you to manage Zimbra’s S3 configuration. The zms3config is the CLI utility to manage the Global S3 buckets which can be shared across mailstore nodes. Bucket configurations can be created from any node […]
Using Sieve to send email notifications
You can set up Zimbra to send notifications to a different email address for emails that arrive in your Inbox or any folder via the Preferences panel: You can also create a filter to forward emails to a specified email address using the Filters panel: In this article you will learn how to use Sieve […]
ChatGPT knows the Zimbra API’s
Zimbra has many API’s to make it easy for system administrators to automate tasks, such as account creation, distribution list management, quota management etc. In many cases you will be using the SOAP and REST API’s or command line tools such as zmprov and zmmailbox. While there is documentation of these API’s on the Zimbra […]
Configuring Zimbra in dual stack ip4/ip6 mode
In this article you will learn how to set-up Zimbra in dual-stack IP mode. Prerequisite First install Zimbra using ipv4 only mode. You can check the current Zimbra IP mode by running the following command as the user`zimbra`: zmprov gs `zmhostname` zimbraIPMode Then verify if all entries required all present in /etc/hosts file. Here is […]
How to enable the option to go to Classic UI from the Modern UI gear menu
In Zimbra it is easy to switch between the legacy Classic UI and the Modern UI via menu options. However in case of upgrades to Zimbra 10 in some cases your Class Of Service will not be updated to include new Zimlets. As a result the Zimlet that adds the menu option to switch to […]