The email archiving market is growing explosively with the proliferation of retention and compliance policies (often motivated by the increased regulatory overhead of Sarbanes Oxley (SOX), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), and so on). While email archiving is frequently grouped with more general-purpose archiving and data warehousing solutions designed for files […]
Email via SaaS (Software as a Service)?
There is a healthy, ongoing debate—for example, check out Phil Wainewright’s ZDNet blog or our own prior efforts—over whether email (and associated functions like group calendaring, contact management, enterprise IM and so on) should be delivered via (1) On-premises software that you configure and manage yourself; (2) Outsourcing to dedicated service providers (e.g., EDS, IBM […]
Zimbra Collaboration Suite 3.0 Released
Today we have reached general availability of the Zimbra Collaboration Suite, with the launch of Zimbra Collaboration Suite 3.0. This release includes a number of quality improvements to support GA, but also includes some new features including three new Zimlets: Wikipedia, Search, and Amazon. See the latest on our hosted demo. (more…)
AJAX and CSS Optimization
Roland pointed me to an article about the amount of Javascript on’s home page. Seems a few Digger’s found it interesting. Well here at Zimbra we’ve got tons of Javascript and CSS in our AJAX web app. I decided to try an experiment to see if the techniques we use for Zimbra, a rather […]
Debian and Beta3 Update
We’ve now released a developer build for Debian. Please post any feedback to the forums. From our two polls Debian was a clear leader so we are happy to get this build out and available for the community. We also released an update to Beta3, which includes a few fixes for some bugs found in […]
Developers guide for creating and enterprise mash-up
The term “mash-up” has been coined to describe the aggregation and customization of multiple web interfaces and web services to eliminate context-switching between existing systems, a process which delivers a richer experience and a wider range of capabilities to the end user. Technologies such as web services, AJAX, and REST have enabled developers to create […]