Service Provider Summit 2016 – サービスプロバイダサミット2016

Zimbra Japan held Service Provider Summit 2016 on March 9th, 2016 at Tokyo. This is the user group event where Zimbra Service Provider customers and partners flock together to learn the newest information regarding Zimbra vision, direction and product and also to exchange best practices. There were more than 70 people attending with full house event. We want to thank all the customers and partners who have contributed to make this event a great success.

Since this was the first Summit post Synacor acquisition of Zimbra, the event has naturally focused on the topic with the two question as the main topic which are:

  1. Who is Synacor? – What does it do with my business?
  2. Is Zimbra well? – Will Zimbra find a good home under Synacor?

We believe the attendees who are the loyal Zimbra customers and partners felt that Zimbra has finally found a good home with more stable financials and focus.


Synacor and Zimbra

The keynote session has been given by Michael Bishara, SVP of Synacor Product and GM of TV Everywhere. He has focused on providing the introductory session of Synacor followed by how Synacor values Email business and how Zimbra fits as the key value proposition for Synacor business.
His demonstration of mobile application showing Email combined with Stream media card application composed of Short-Form video, news article, and messaging has drawn quite an attention from the Email focused audience with multiple customers and partners approaching to take the concept to market. Apparently this session has resonated with the customer from CSP market with the idea to renovate Email again as the revenue engine.

Best Practice

Synacor Mail – Operation Zimbra for Service Providers

The best practice session is usually provided by our Service Provider customers, but this time we have chosen Matthew Berg, who is the Lead Email Engineer at Synacor, operating Zimbra from 2006 for around 20 SPs, to provide his best practice experience for operation, migration, and monitoring. This session has drawn a huge wow from the audiences. Some of the comments include “Zimbra is finally with someone who knows how to operate large scale deployment”, “Zimbra should consider productizing the operational know-how and tools which is embodied in Synacor email operation team”.

Apparently our service provider customers were feeling well that finally Zimbra is in hand who understand the mentality of service provider. As the follow up, we will be posting Matt’s presentation in the form of blog separately since it had to be cut short during the session due to the time constraint.


Synacor for Japan – Who wants to be the First Penguin?

We closed off the Summit with the declaration that Synacor will be launching Synacor Japan bringing full-line of service to the market.

Service Provider Summit by photos

If you miss the Summit, don’t worry. Feel the energy and community feeling by viewing the photo on file.



Zimbra Japan合同会社はサービスプロバイダサミット2016を2016年3月9日に東京にて開催しました。本イベントはZimbraのサービスプロバイダのお客様、ならびに、パートナー様向けのユーザイベントで、Zimbraにおいて起こっている最新事情を共有・ディスカッションし、また、Zimbraを使用したベストプラクティスを交換する場として機能しております。70名ほどが参加するほぼ満席のイベントとできましたことをご参加のお客様・パートナー様に感謝申し上げます。

(1) Synacorって誰? = 私のビジネスのどんな関係あるんでしたっけ?
(2) Zimbra大丈夫? = 今回のSynacorでZimbraは落ち着くんでしたっけ?



キーノートセッションはSynacor社の製品担当上席副社長でTV Everywhere事業部長であるマイケル ビシャラ氏から行われました。Synacor社の紹介に始まり、Synacor社が考える


Synacorメールサービス - サービスプロバイダ向けにZimbraを運用する

ベストプラクティスセッションは通常サービスプロバイダ事業者のみなさまに講演していただいております。今回は、Synacor社で2006年からZimbraを20社前後のサービスプロバイダ事業者向けに運用してきているメール関係のリードエンジニアであるマシュー バーグ氏から彼の運用、移行、ないしは、監視といった分野での経験を共有する場を設けることとしました。


Synacor社の日本市場への考え方 - ファーストペンギンを目指しましょう!


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