Interact with Zimbra Composer using Zimlets – Signature Template
Hello Zimbra Friends,
Today Barry de Graaff, Channel Evangelist for Zimbra Synacor, introduces you to the new Zimlet Slot composer
. This Zimlet Slot allows you to write Zimlets that interact with Zimbra’s composer component. The composer is based on TinyMCE and is used when writing new emails and when configuring email signatures in Zimbra Preferences.
In this blog, you’ll learn how to write a simple Signature Template Zimlet. This Zimlet provides a globally configured email signature template where all users in an organization can have a uniform signature yet customize their email information.
How the Signature Template Works in Zimbra
Signature Template button added by Zimlet.
Signature loaded once button is clicked.
Final result when writing an email.
Installing the Zimlet
This Zimlet uses Global Zimlet Configuration as described in
To install this Zimlet:
cd /tmp
zmzimletctl deploy /tmp/
To make changes to the configuration, get the configuration template:
zmzimletctl getConfigTemplate /tmp/ > /tmp/myconfig.xml
Review and make changes to /tmp/myconfig.xml using vi or nano and deploy using:
zmzimletctl configure /tmp/myconfig.xml
The config_template.xml file has the following structure:
<zimletConfig name="zimbra-zimlet-signature-template" version="0.0.1"> <global> <property name="htmlTemplate">PGRpdj48c3BhbiBzdHlsZT0iY29sb3I6ICNlMDNlMmQ7Ij48c3Ryb25nPk5BTUU8L3N0cm9uZz48L3NwYW4+PC9kaXY+PGRpdj48ZW0+PHNwYW4gc3R5bGU9ImNvbG9yOiAjN2U4YzhkOyI+RlVOQ1RJT048L3NwYW4+PC9lbT48YnIvPjxici8+PGltZyBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vczIyLnE0Y2RuLmNvbS80NzYzMjUxMzcvZmlsZXMvZGVzaWduL3N5bmFjb3ItbG9nby0yMDE2LXJnYi5wbmciPjwvaW1nPjwvZGl2Pgo=</property> </global> </zimletConfig>
The htmlTemplate
is a base64 encoded HTML template for use with the email signature. You can use an online tool like to encode/decode the HTML template.
Development Notes
Please note that it is not possible to side-load config_template.xml files. So you must always deploy an actual Zimlet to read the configuration properties.
A pre-packed version of the example Zimlet used in this article can be downloaded from
The Zimlet in Preferences->Signatures
The file src/components/more-menu/index.js implements the Signature Template
button in Settings->Signatures. The in-code comments explain how it works:
import { createElement, Component } from 'preact'; import { withIntl } from '../../enhancers'; import { withText } from 'preact-i18n'; @withIntl() @withText({ title: 'zimbra-zimlet-signature-template.title' }) export default class MoreMenu extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.zimletContext = props.children.context; //Get all zimlets const zimlets = this.zimletContext.getAccount().zimlets; this.globalConfig = new Map(); //Get the current zimlet const zimlet = zimlets.zimlet.find( zimlet => zimlet.zimlet[0].name === 'zimbra-zimlet-signature-template' ); //Add zimlet configuration properties to an ES6 Map if (zimlet) { const globalConfig = zimlet.zimletConfig[0].global[0].property || []; for (let i = 0; i < globalConfig.length; i++) { this.globalConfig.set(globalConfig[i].name, window.atob(globalConfig[i].content)); } } // //now you can get a property value by doing: this.globalConfig.get('name-of-property') } //Use this.props.editor.setContent to replace the contents of the composer textarea handleClick = e => { this.props.getComposer().setContent(this.globalConfig.get('htmlTemplate')); }; render() { //Only show the Zimlet in the UI where we want it. if (this.props.editorType === 'signature') { return ( <div style="float:right"> <button onClick={this.handleClick} type="button" class="blocks_button_button blocks_button_regular zimbra-client_settings_subsectionBodyButton" > {this.props.title} </button> </div> ); } } }
Enjoy the new Zimlet slot & Signature Template Zimlet,
Your Zimbra Friends & Colleagues
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