Zimbra Customers Named Finalists for Next Generation Customer Experience Award

So often, corporate blogs post about themselves, market trends, products and other assorted topics. What is often forgotten, unfortunately, is the one topic that matters the most, customers.

A company’s journey to serve customers can easily be derailed by other areas of interest, but customers come first, period. And, as Zimbra’s CEO Patrick Brandt said earlier today, “we take exceptional pride when our customers are successful, and feel privileged to contribute to their efforts. This recognition of Dell and Rackspace by Constellation Research speaks volumes about how leading brands are those that act as change agents for the benefit of their customers.”

Dell and Rackspace epitomize “leading brand” with their unique external communities. Dell has Toad World for its Toad database solutions, and Rackspace is driving youth education with a program called Open Cloud Academy. A great article by Entrepreneur references Seth Godin’s definition of brand, “the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.” This describes perfectly what Dell and Rackspace have achieved with their communities

Voting is open for another week. Please take a moment to visit the Constellation SuperNova Award submissions for Dell and Rackspace. From there, you can vote for either community. Thank you for helping honor these two unique and leading brands.

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