Tag Archives | Zimbra Admins

Zimbra’s Per Domain Disclaimer/Signature Feature

With Zimbra’s per domain disclaimer/signature feature, you can set a mandatory signature or disclaimer to all outgoing email. How to Enable the Per Domain Disclaimer/Signature Feature Enabling the per domain disclaimer/signature feature is easy. Follow these simple steps: Enable the disclaimer feature on the global configuration by running the following command: zmprov mcf zimbraDomainMandatoryMailSignatureEnabled TRUE […]

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Did you know? Basic Authentication will be disabled in Exchange Online

Did you know that as of this month Microsoft will randomly select customers and disable Basic Authentication on their Exchange Online services? While from a pure security perspective username and password authentication is outdated, you may still have issues with devices that can only support username and password authentication. For example legacy business applications, multifunction […]

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Are you using zen.spamhaus.org or dbl.spamhaus.org for fighting spam? Pay attention!

Spamhaus is making some changes in their policy enforcement, from their website: Are you currently using the Spamhaus Project’s DNS Blocklists (DNSBLs)? Do you access them via the Public Mirrors, for example, query “sbl.spamhaus.org” or “zen.spamhaus.org”? Do you use Cloudflare’s DNS? If you’ve answered “yes” to all three of those questions, you need to make […]

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Zimbra SkillZ: Create Zimbra Delegated Administrators

Hello Zimbra Customers, Partners & Friends, Sometimes it’s necessary to delegate administrative tasks in Zimbra. For example, letting your help desk staff do daily tasks like reset passwords, change account names, unlock accounts and create accounts can really improve your first line support. Zimbra lets you grant permissions that can be set on an account […]

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