Archive | Partners

Just Put a Zimbra iPhone App in My Stocking

Though the Holidays are in full swing and the big day less than 48 hours away, some of us here at Zimbra are just getting started on the gift giving process.  So naturally we started today by checking out some of our favorite idea spots like UnCrate, Gizmodo and the Adult Swim Store. Invariably, a […]

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Zimbra Community Meet-up in Paris

Tomorrow in Paris, France there is an all day meet-up for Zimbra community members, partners and customers.  The agenda includes Zimbra roadmap beyond ZCS 6 and will have some basics on Zimlet development with drinks to follow.  It looks like a great opportunity to learn a lot and network with others in the community.  There […]

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Zimbra Partner Program Heads to Next Level

During the past 5 years, Zimbra has evolved from a software company selling nearly 100% direct to customers to a model today where well over half of our sales are generated through Zimbra partners. The channel-focused evolution has been intentional; early on we realized working via Zimbra resellers, hosting partners and systems integrators is the […]

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