Did you know? Zimbra HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)

The HTTP Strict-Transport-Security response header (often abbreviated as HSTS) informs browsers that the site should only be accessed using HTTPS, and that any future attempts to access it using HTTP should automatically be converted to HTTPS. What does HSTS do for improving security? You have HSTS configured on Zimbra and have configured a correct TLS […]

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Protecting Zimbra with Sucuri web application firewall

You can enhance the security of your Zimbra servers by using a web application firewall (WAF). By using a web application firewall you can add the following protections to Zimbra: Geo blocking, geo fencing Blocking or allow IP addresses Emergency DDoS protection Block anonymous proxies Block top three attack countries Manage HTTP Security Headers Limited […]

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How to write to log files from a Zimbra Extension

In MyTest.java you can find some examples of how to write to the Zimbra log files. The most common ones are: ZimbraLog.extensions.info(“this is an info message that will show up in /opt/zimbra/log/mailbox.log”); ZimbraLog.extensions.error(“this is an error message that will show up in /opt/zimbra/log/mailbox.log”); To see the logging in action run a tail on the log […]

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Did you know? Zimbra Postscreen provides additional protection against mail server overload

In Zimbra you can optionally enable Postscreen as an additional Anti-SPAM strategy. Postscreen will offer additional protection against mail server overload. One postscreen process handles multiple inbound SMTP connections and decides which clients may talk to a Post-fix SMTP server process. By keeping spambots away, postscreen leaves more SMTP server processes available for legitimate clients […]

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Did you Know? Zimbra Desktop Auto-Archive feature and more

Do you check your emails when you are traveling? Do you have intermittent internet access? Zimbra Desktop provides a seamless way to access your Zimbra content when connectivity is limited. It’s an app that you install on your computer (Windows or Mac) so you can read your emails, reply or forward an email, compose new […]

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