Did you know you can change the default help link in the Zimbra Modern UI (user interface)?

Contributed by Yasuko Komiyama, Zimbra Senior Sales Engineer

Co-edited by: Karyn Tan, Senior Manager in Marketing

There are several reasons why customers may want to change this default help link and why this article may help such situations.

When customers configure or customize their Zimbra service, the user interface may not fully display all of Zimbra’s functionalities. Providing a localized user manual may be beneficial.

By customizing the help page to a site-specific help page or a localized user manual, you can enhance the user experience and provide more targeted support to your customers.

This article will guide you to configure the default help page link in Zimbra, making it easier for you to meet the unique needs of your users.

Configure the following key to change the link

The zimbraHelpModernURL attribute has been introduced since Zimbra 10 and this attribute works with zimbraVirtualHostname attribute. 

For example

zmprov md example.com zimbraVirtualHostName mail.example.com
zmprov md example.com zimbraHelpModernURL \ 

When your service allows end users to access the Modern UI with the domain name (in this case https://example.com), you still need to set zimbraVirtualHostName attribute to the same name as the domain name. 

By incorporating personalized user experiences in Zimbra, such as site-specific help pages and localized user manuals, businesses can meet the diverse needs in the workplace and improve employee satisfaction.

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