NEW! Patch Release: Zimbra Daffodil 10.1.6: Attachment Handling, Meeting Notifications, Language Fixes, and Other Issues Resolved

Patch Security Severity: Medium

Deployment Risk: Low

This release focuses on essential fixes and user experience improvements for the following edition

Zimbra Daffodil 10.1.6 (Release Notes)

Existing Zimbra 9 customers have until 06/30/2025 to upgrade to the new version (Daffodil v10.1).

Patch updated on Mar 03rd includes the following for this release


Fixed Issues

Zimbra Connector for Outlook

An intermittent issue in Zimbra Connector for Outlook (ZCO) version 1945 has been resolved in version 1946

Licensing and Active Sync

Bug fixes and enhancements

Language and Translation

Bug fixes and support for additional languages



What’s New 

Email Size Restriction Per User

Large file attachments slowing down your team’s communication? Administrators can now set a per-user message limit on Users and COS.


Share Large File Attachment as a Link

Big emails can jam inboxes, slow things down and use a lot of storage space. Users can now effortlessly share large files without worrying about size limits on the modern web app. The new Zimbra Briefcase integration turns those bulky attachments into easy-to-share links, keeping your email flowing smoothly. 


Inbox Zero with a Single Click 

The modern UI now includes a Send and Archive button in the Compose window. A click on this button sends your email and automatically archives the conversation for a clutter-free inbox. 


Note to Self for Emails

Easily add private notes to emails for reminders, summaries, or follow-ups. Click ‘Note to Self’ in email view, thread view, or the action menu to save a note. Notes stay linked to the email can be edited or deleted anytime. Keep your inbox organized effortlessly.


Meeting Notifications Emails Enhancements

Meeting invite updates are sent only to intended recipients. Choose whether to notify only added or removed attendees or all participants when updating a calendar meeting invite.

Refer to release notes for full list of fixes

#ICYMI (In-Case-You-Missed-It)

New License Key Required for Zimbra Daffodil 10.1

It is mandatory to obtain a new license key to run the Zimbra Daffodil 10.1 software. 
You will not be able to proceed without a new Zimbra Daffodil V10.1 license key (including trial license). Watch the video or read the blog to find out more. 

Youtube Link to License Management Video

YouTube link to License Management Video

Refer to the release notes for the patch installation on Red Hat and Ubuntu platforms.

An upgrade to the latest patch for your version is highly recommended. Refer to our blog and the Zimbra Security Center for steps to ensure your system is safe.


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