Hello Zimbra Friends, Customers & Partners,
We are happy to announce the release of Zimbra Collaboration 8.8.11 (aka “Homi Bhabha“). Highlights of the release are included below. For all release details, please visit the release notes.
New Features in 8.8.11
- Users can now designate any calendar, including a shared or delegated calendar, to be their “default calendar”. This means that the Zimbra Web Client will automatically create new events and accept invitations to that calendar instead of the user’s primary “Calendar” in Zimbra. This is most helpful for users who do a lot of calendaring work on a delegated or shared calendar — this will simplify their workflow.
- ZCO previously released with 8.8.10 Patch 4 is now packaged with support for Outlook 2019 plus Outlook 2019 Click-to-run.
- HSM WebAdmin page is now even better. We have added:
- The ability to manage “cache” and “incoming” paths
- Checks and warnings if the “incoming” is not properly configured in the “Add Primary storage” wizard
Stay tuned for more information. And, as always, please tell us what you think in the Zimbra forums or open a support ticket to report issues.
Thank you,
Your Zimbra Team
Hi Zimbra team,
can you elaborate on your Zimbra Drive strategy? What is the difference between the new NG module and the legacy Open Drive? What are the plans for future development of Open Drive? The github site (https://github.com/ZeXtras/zimbra-drive) seems to be outdated.
Hello Vinzenz – please take this question over to forums.zimbra.com. You will get a more in-depth answer there. Thanks.